
    "__name__": "Sample",
"__version__": "0.1.3", "__description__": "Sample settings file", "width": 500, "height": 555, "rowheight": 25, "labelcolumnX": 10, "fieldcolumnX": 150, "rowy": 90, "textboxsize": 320, "radiobuttonwidth": 80, "title": "Build Prompt", "header": "", "footer": "Warning: This system is about to be rebuilt resulting in the loss of all data. If you DO NOT wish to proceed, immediately power off and remove any thumb drives.", "errorcolor": "#FFFF77", "headercolor": "#47154A", "fields": [{ "type": "info", "name": "INFIPADDRESS", "label": "IP Address", "query": "SELECT IPAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True AND DHCPEnabled = True" }, { "type": "info", "name": "INFMACADDRESS", "label": "MAC Address", "query": "SELECT MACAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True AND DHCPEnabled = True" }, { "type": "text", "name": "OSDComputerName", "label": "Computer Name", "default": "SELECT SerialNumber FROM Win32_BIOS", "required": true, "maxLength": 15 }, { "type": "select", "name": "BUILD", "label": "Build", "options": { "Standard": "Standard", "Finance": "Finance", "CaseStudy": "Case Study" } }, { "type": "password", "name": "PASSWORD", "label": "Password", "required": true }, { "type": "check", "name": "OPTION1", "label": "Option 1?", "checked": true }, { "type": "radio", "name": "RADIOEX", "label": "Radio Example", "default": "standard", "options": { "Standard": "Standard", "Finance": "Finance", "CaseStudy": "Case Study"     } }, { "type": "radio", "name": "RADIOEX2", "label": "Radio Example 2", "default": "rexo2", "options": { "rexo1": "Rex Opt 1", "rexo2": "Rex Opt 2", "rexo3": "Rex Opt 3"     } }, { "type": "cascade", "name": "CASCADEEX", "label": "Cascade Example", "dependsOn": "BUILD", "options": { "Standard": { "std1": "Std 1", "std2": "Std 2", "std3": "Std 3" }, "Finance": { "fin1": "Fin 1", "fin2": "Fin 2", "fin3": "Fin 3" }, "CaseStudy": { "cs1": "CS 1", "cs2": "CS 2", "cs3": "CS 3" } } } ] }

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